
Customer Testimonials

Customer Feedback

At Orchard Mortgage Solutions we take client feedback very seriously. We send every customer a feedback form to make sure they have the opportunity to let us know how satisfied they are with our service.

We keep this page up to date so that our existing and future cutomers can see how we’re performing and have the opportunity to make an informed decision, based on real experiences, before doing business with us.

100% of our customers have rated our service 5 stars
I was given details clearly explaining services and their cost early in our discussion
Strongly agree 100%
Agree 0%
Neither agree nor disagree 0%
Disagree 0%
Strongly disagree 0%
My advisor made me feel at ease and unpressured in making my decsision
Strongly agree 100%
Agree 0%
Neither agree nor disagree 0%
Disagree 0%
Strongly disagree 0%
My advisor appeared to be knowledgable and was helpful at all times
Strongly agree 100%
Agree 0%
Neither agree nor disagree 0%
Disagree 0%
Strongly disagree 0%
I would recommend your services to family, friends and colleagues
Strongly agree 100%
Agree 0%
Neither agree nor disagree 0%
Disagree 0%
Strongly disagree 0%
The recommendations presented to me we made in a clear manner and I was advised of the costs or penalties as well as the advantages of the mortgage
Strongly agree 100%
Agree 0%
Neither agree nor disagree 0%
Disagree 0%
Strongly disagree 0%


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